Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in Attenuated Adenomatous Polyposis Coli
Renal failure in the patient with cirrhosis
Detachment of agglutinin-bonded red blood cells. I. Forces to rupture molecular-point attachments
The Deterrent Effect of Arrest in Incidents of Domestic Violence: A Bayesian Analysis of Four Field Experiments
GROMACS 4: algorithms for Highly Efficient, Load-Balanced, and Scalable Molecular Simulation
P-LINCS: A Parallel Linear Constraint Solver for Molecular Simulation
GROMACS 3.0: a package for molecular simulation and trajectory analysis
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog I. Early Data Release
Sizing and mapping of early adenovirus mRNAs by gel electrophoresis of S1 endonuclease-digested hybrids.
A package for molecular simulation and trajectory analysis