- Volcanic earthquakes often happen in this area.
Volcanic EarthquakeMechanism of deep low frequency earthquake: Further evidence that deep nonvolcanic tremor is generated by shear slip on the plate in...Soufrière Hills Eruption, Montserrat, 1995–1997: Volcanic earthquake locations and fault plane solutionsA new view into the Cascadia subduction zone and volcanic arc: Implications for earthquake hazards along the Washington marginQuality-Driven Volcanic Earthquake Detection Using Wireless Sensor NetworksSeismic Motion, Lithospheric Structures, Earthquake and Volcanic Sources: The Keiiti Aki VolumeQuality-Driven Volcanic Earthquake Detection Using Wireless Sensor NetworksA new model for volcanic earthquake at Unzen Volcano: Melt Rupture ModelThe M6.1 earthquake triggered by volcanic inflation of Iwate Volcano, northern Japan, observed by satellite radar interferometryEarthquake epicenters 1982-1985 and volcanic systems in Iceland