- The inn poems in the Tang Dynasty is characterized by their outstanding vulgarization, which is a good window observing the vulgarization of the poems in the Tang Dynasty.
Considerations on Vulgarization of TV Match Show
The vulgarization of art : the Victorians and aesthetic democracy
Elegance and Vulgarization of Research on Legal Methodology
Criticism Upon the University Vulgarization
Neuropsychology: The Vulgarization Luria Always Wanted
A lady asks: The gender of vulgarization in Late Medieval Italy
Populariged Mass Culture, Vulgarization and Catering to the Masses
Vulgarization and Secularization of Confucianism:On the Transcendence of Wang Yangming School by Taizhou School
A New Viewpoint on Vulgarization of Chinese Television Program in the Eye of Audience's Cultural Gusto
Democratizing scientific vulgarization. The balance between cooperation and conflict in french Wikipedia