VulgarismVulgarismVulgarismTranslation of vulgarism in Mass mediaVýběr a užití vulgarismů v závislosti na situaci u žáků a žákyň osmé třídyAcne vulgarism treatment using ultra-short laser pulse generated by micro- and nano-ring resonator systemBrief Study on the Translation of Chinese Vulgarism Language into EnglishIdentification of a Sec61 cDNA clone from common bean, Phaseolus vulgarismVolatile compounds produced from the cultured cells of thyme (Thymus vulgarism L.)Evaluation of carbon sequestration ability by Chlorella Vulgarism water with different salinityOn the Difference and Relationship among Literary Quotation,Idiom,Vulgarism,Proverb and ParolThree Dimensional Transformation in Eco-translatology Viewed from Vulgarism Translation in Mr. SixEffect of Extrinsic Polyamines on Post-Spawning Testes of the Sea Star, Asterias vulgarism (Echinodermata): Implications for the Sea...