Vulturine ParrotVulturine Guineafowl at Tracy AviaryBreeding Vulturine guineafowl: at Amsterdam ZooThe Vulturine Parrot (Psittrichas fulgidus) of New Guinea, a species in need of studyA Note on the Distribution of the Vulturine Fish-Eagle, Gypohierax angolensis GmelThe Vulturine Parrot, Psittrichas fulgidus, a threatened New Guinea endemic: notes on its biology and conservationKaryological studies on hybrids between the guinea fowl (female) and the vulturine guinea fowl (male)Short communications: Comments concerning the type locality of the Vulturine Guineafowl Acrylliun vulturinumEndoscopic retrieval of ventricular foreign bodies in a red-crowned crane and a vulturine guinea fowlWater turnover in Coturnix quail with individual observations on a burrowing owl, Petz conure and vulturine fish eagle