- He floundered through his speech.
Corporate performance management : how to build a better organization through measurement-driven strategic alignment3-2-1-CLEAR! EXAMINING SOCIAL RESPONSES TO HEALTHCARE POLITICS IN AMERICA AND ENGLAND THROUGH MEDICAL TELEVISION, 1950-2010Corporate performance management : how to build a better organization through measurement-driven strLong-term Monitoring at McMurdo Station, Antarctica from 2000 through 2010Investigation of Disinfection By-Product Formation Kinetics using a Material-Specific Flow-Through Reactor SystemThesis Title: Bayesian Nonparametric Regression through Mixture ModelsTitle: Monitoring quality of care through linkage of administrative data: national trends in bloodstream infection in UK paediatric ...Radiogenic isotope studies of crust-forming processes in the Lofoten-Vesterålen province of north NorwayTrade-offs in managing tropical land for biodiversity, ecosystem services and agricultural productivityThe evaluation of an evidence-based approach to student retention