New Progress of Theoretical and Empirical Research on Japanese Lifetime Employment System and Seniority Wage System
Creativity of Competitiveness by Wage System and Personnel Treatment System in Japan:Conflict of Seniority and Performance
Seniority-Based Wage System and Postponed Retirement
Changing Unchanged Inequality: Higher Education, Youth Population, and the Japanese Seniority Wage System
The End of the Seniority-Related (Nenko) Wage System
The Cost-of -Libing Approach to the Seniority-Based Wage System revisited
Integrating High-Powered Performance Pay into a Seniority Wage System
Current Japanese Employment Practices and Industrial Relations: The Transformation of Permanent Employment and Seniority-Based Wage ...
A Model Analysis of the Seniority Wage System : as an Income Transfer Program
The structure and measurement of laborforce, and the wage system based on seniority