Analysis of condensed tannin using acidified vanillinAnalysis of condensed tannins using acidified vanillinEffect of aluminium speciation on fish in dilute acidified watersMechanism study on adsorption of acidified multiwalled carbon nanotubes to Pb(II).Evidence for Upwelling of Corrosive "Acidified"Water onto the Continental ShelfPoor reproduction in forest passerines from decline of snail abundance on acidified soilsSalmonella typhimurium activates virulence gene transcription within acidified macrophage phagosomes.Selective Dissolution of Manganese Oxides from Soils and Sediments with Acidified Hydroxylamine HydrochlorideUpregulation of the oncogene c-myc in Barrett’s adenocarcinoma: induction of c-myc by acidified bile acid in vitroGrowth, Production, and Decomposition Dynamics of Sphagnum under Natural and Experimentally Acidified Conditions