- This article presents a modern residential area waterscape design of the main ecological doing related research and exploration.
本文将就现代居住区水景设计中的生态做主要研究和相关探索。 - We focus on the irrigation and water area, we have good cooperation relations, capable of providing our customers for irrigation and waterscape information.
WaterscapeReworking hegemony in the urban waterscapeDetermination of waterscape beauties through visual quality assessment methodReconsideration of waterscape design and ecological design ideas in residential areaWorking the Socio-Natural Relations of the Urban Waterscape in South AfricaEngineering the North American waterscape: The high modernist mapping of continental water transfer projectsCreation of Planning Themes for Town Structured by the Waterscape in Case of An Urban Small RiverUrbanization increased metal levels in lake surface sediment and catchment topsoil of waterscape parksModernity and Hybridity: Nature, Regeneracionismo, and the Production of the Spanish Waterscape, 1890-1930Chapter 12. Modernity and Hybridity: Nature, Regeneracionismo , and the Production of the Spanish Waterscape, 1890-1930