- He welshed on his debts.
Occurrence, identification, and bactericide sensitivity of Pantoea ananatis causing leaf blight on welsh onion in Taiwan
Welsh L, Robinson L, Stephenson, J & Akin L (2016) Evaluation of an automated ankle brachial pressure index calculator in a nurse-le...
C. M. Woolgar , ed., Testamentary records of the English and Welsh Episcopate 1200–1413: wills, executors' accounts and inventories...
Testing the nonce borrowing hypothesis: Counter-evidence from English-origin verbs in Welsh
*A comparison of Scottish and Welsh lamb prices
Great Welsh science helps solve pollinator puzzle
King, G. 1993. {Modern Welsh: A Comprehensive Grammar}
The p53 tumor suppressor gene.
The Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD). Part V. A normative study of the neuropsychological battery.
TOSSIM:accurate and scalable simulation of entire ...