WhirlwindsWhirlwindsWhirlwindsSINK VORTICES AND WHIRLWINDSThe modeling of fire whirlwinds.Whirlwinds produced by the eruption of Surtsey VolcanoWhirlwinds in the plain : Ludwig Leichhardt-friends, foes, and historyPresent Absences: Hauntings and Whirlwinds in “-Graphy”Miniature Whirlwinds Produced in the Laboratory by High-Voltage Electrical DischargesWhirlwinds, Density Currents, and Topographic Disturbances: A Meteorological Melange of Intriguing InteractionsExperimental study of the flow structure in fire-induced whirlwinds downwind of a fire using particle image velocimetryLetzmann and Koschmieder's "Guidelines for Research on Funnels, Tornadoes, Waterspouts and Whirlwinds".Tornado or Dust Devil: The Enigma of Desert Whirlwinds: The interaction of a topographic disturbance with the flow pattern of a dese...