13th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan StudiesThe development and initial validity / reliability testing of the Glamorgan paediatric pressure ulcer risk assessment scaleAppendix 4: Model of an OctahedronModelling the influence of individual differences on farming behaviourHow to Predict Actual Surgical Times for Operating Room Scheduling and Anesthesia Management.Efficacy of Intra-Articular Morphine or Bupivacaine Following Arthroscopic Knee SurgeryRESPIRATORY RESPONSES FOLLOWING TOURNIQUET RELEASE.Actes du Congrès sur l'Ancienne Université d'Orléans (XIIIe–XVIIIe Siècles). [Orléans: Comité d'Organisation des Journées Un...Falling Into EasyNew Abc Of Fishing