Folding hay raking and windrowing apparatusMaterial treatment and windrowing apparatusEffect of windrowing spring wheat at different stages of maturity on agronomic characters.The impact of windrowing on the productivity of a rotation age loblolly pine plantationImpacts of whole-tree harvesting and winter windrowing on soil pH and ...Visual indicators for determining the optimum windrowing time for buckwheat.Soil and nutrient removals by erosion and windrowing at a southeastern U.S. Piedmont siteLoss of green color and changes in kernel weight following windrowing of immature wheat.Nitrogen net mineralization and dynamics following whole-tree harvesting and winter windrowing on clayey sites of northwestern Quebec.Plant species cover, frequency, and biomass: early responses to clearcutting, burning, windrowing, discing, and bedding in Pinus ell...