work as, act as
work as 工作是…, He works as a teacher.
act as 充当某种职务或身份,或扮演某种角色 He acts as an interpreter.
- His skills qualify him for the work.
他的技能使他能担当这项工作。 - You undertook other important work as well.
你也担当其他重要的工作。 - The table used to do duty as a hotel desk.
这张桌子以前曾充当旅馆服务台。 - It acts as a home tutor at home.
Knowledge work as organizational behavior
Emotion work as a source of stress: The concept and development of an instrument.
Developmental studies on work as a testbench of activity theory.
Who cares? Offering emotion work as a 'gift' in the nursing labour process.
Work as a Turning Point in the Life Course of Criminals: A Duration Model of Age, Employment, and Recidivism
Work as a correlate of canine left ventricular oxygen consumption, and the problem of catecholamine oxygen wasting.
Developmental studies of work as a testbench of activity theory: The case of primary care medical practice
Developmental Studies of Work as a Testbench of Activity Theory: Analyzing the Work of General Practitioners
Natural history of male psychological health, X: Work as a predictor of positive mental health.