The use of value focused thinking and the A'WOT hybrid method in tourism management.
Experimental analysis of a spark-ignition engine using exhaust gas recycle at WOT operation
A ' WOT : Integrating The AHP With SWOT Analysis
A secure WebRTC/WoT-based health-care architecture enhanced with access control
Betekenis van BRO/BIS Nederland voor WOT Natuur & Milieu
Influencing factors in the captures of Calliphoridae, Muscidae and Scatophagidae in WOT traps Wind Oriented Trap Factores que influy...
The Two Men in the Gig. or the Great Incendiary. & the Gt Man wot destroys Machinery.
Testing Structural Equation Models
AMOS 4.0 User's Guide
Dynamic DNA methylation programs persistent adverse effects of early-life stress.