A wide-host-range suicide vector for improving reverse genetics in gram-negative bacteria: inactivation of the blaA gene of Yersinia...Yersiniabactin synthetase: a four-protein assembly line producing the nonribosomal peptide/polyketide hybrid siderophore of Yersinia...YER DEĞİŞTİRME ESASLI YÖNTEMLERİN ELASTİK VE ZAMAN TANIM ALANINDA DİNAMİK ANALİZ YÖNTEMLERİYLE KARŞILAŞTIRILMASIHealth Status as a Measure of Need for Medical Care: A CritiqueGlobal estimates of cancer prevalence for 27 sites in the adult population in 2008Bringing the State Back InInsulin expression in human thymus is modulated by INS VNTR alleles at the IDDM2 locusCapitalist development and democracy /The reliability of the mankin score for osteoarthritis, Chemie der Pflanzenschutz- und Schadlingsbekampfungsmittel. Band 1.