You Can Say That Again"You Can Say That Again"You can say that again.Deafness is a scourge (and you can say that again)You Can Say That Again (Or Can You?)You Can Say That Again: The Influence of Repetition Across Successive Utterances on Word Segmentation in 8- and 9-month-old InfantsYOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN!: A WAY OUT OF THE COMPELLED COMMERCIAL SPEECH CONUNDRUMMultichannel Marketing: You Can Say that AgainYou Can Say that Again! Or, Echolalia, Echolalia, EcholaliaMea Culpa: You Can Say That Again ... and Again ... and AgainYou can say that again: this time last year, lots was being said that, it turns out, shouldn't have been. There was, however, also l...You can say that again: Some encounters with repetition in In Our TimeRevolution? Nigeria Is Ripe & Ready You Can Say That Again!