- Now, men, zero in your guns at that ship.
喂,伙计们,把炮口对准那艘船。 - The study and use of devices utilizing properties of materials near absolute zero in temperature.
对材料在接近绝对零度时的特性进行研究和利用的学科。 - I got zero in math.
Decay to zero in critical cases of second order ordinary differential equations of Duffing type
Population fragmentation may reduce fertility to zero in Banksia goodii — a demonstration of the Allee effect
Friction falls towards zero in quartz rock as slip velocity approaches seismic rates
Comparing data streams using Hamming norms (how to zero in)
Chapter 30 – Comparing Data Streams Using Hamming Norms (How to Zero In)
Chapter 30 - Comparing Data Streams Using Hamming Norms (How to Zero In)
245 GHz high-field EPR study of tyrosine-D zero and tyrosine-Z zero in mutants of photosystem II.
On sets of Haar measure zero in abelian polish groups
Biological zero in laser Doppler fluxmetry
Zero-in ated models for regression analysis of count data : a study of growth and development