REINTERPRETANDO O ZOOMORFO DE TUBARÃO DA COLEÇÃO "CARLA ROSANE DUARTE COSTA "The holotypes of the upper Pleistocene Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823: Hyaenidae) and Panthera leo spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810:...Carnian Oncolites of the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Drau Range (Austria)Od kopalni do muzeum - zagospodarowanie terenów po eksploatacji złoża iłów i glin "Krasiejów"Exploring the potential of UV-spectral luminescence on different types of stalagmitesWeizhou Mine Area Taiyuan Formation Coal-bearing Strata Marker Bed Characteristics and Their Correlation SignificanceSEVERAL PROBLEMS ABOUT FOSSIL MAN IN THE SOUTHERN CHINAzoolitezoogener Fels mzoogenic rock