- They went on a binge last night.
他们昨夜出去狂饮作乐。 - Life itself is the proper binge.
生命本身就是一种适当的狂欢。 - This tactic will minimize candy binge eating.
The effect of binge fetal alcohol exposure on the number of vasoactive intestinal peptide-producing neurons in fetal sheep brain.
Binge-eating disorder as a distinct familial phenotype in obese individuals.
Binge/purge oscillations of the Laurentide Ice Sheet as a cause of the North Atlantic's Heinrich events
A global database of sea surface dimethylsulfide (DMS) measurements and a procedure to predict sea surface DMS as a function of lati...
Topiramate in the Long-Term Treatment of Binge-Eating Disorder Associated with Obesity
Fluvoxamine in the Treatment of Binge-Eating Disorder: A Multicenter Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial
Interleukin‐22 treatment ameliorates alcoholic liver injury in a murine model of chronic‐binge ethanol feeding: Role of signal tra...
Group dialectical behavior therapy for binge-eating disorder: A preliminary, uncontrolled trial *
Binge ethanol consumption causes differential brain damage in young adolescent rats compared with adult rats
Binge-eating and vomiting: a survey of a college population.