- I have never encountered such blatant disregard for the Bill of Rights .
我从来没有见过这种明目张胆践踏人权法案的现象。 - Our teacher is guilty of blatant favouritism.
我们老师有明显的偏心错误。 - You don't have to be blatant about it.
Subtle and blatant prejudice in western Europe
The impact of blatant stereotype activation and group sex-composition on female leaders
Blatant benevolence and conspicuous consumption: when romantic motives elicit strategic costly signals.
Blatant and subtle prejudice: dimensions, determinants, and consequences; some comments on Pettigrew and Meertens
Evidence that blatant versus subtle stereotype threat cues impact performance through dual processes
Blatant Stereotype Threat and Women's Math Performance: Self-Handicapping as a Strategic Means to Cope with Obtrusive Negative Perfo...
Inter-ethnic contact as a predictor of blatant and subtle prejudice: Tests of a model in four West European nations.
From flawed self‐assessment to blatant whoppers: the utility of voluntary and involuntary behavior in detecting deception
The Explicit and Implicit Perception of In-Group Members Who Use Stereotypes: Blatant Rejection but Subtle Conformity
Ethnic identity moderates perceptions of prejudice: Judgments of personal versus group discrimination and subtle versus blatant bias.