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Soon afterthe yearbegan, Zine el-AbidineBenAli,who hadruledTunisiasince1987, and Hosni Mubarak,rulerofEgyptsince1981, were rapidly—andalmostbloodlessly—forcedoutofpower.
今年开年不久,自从1987年以来一直统治突尼斯的本 阿里、自1981年以来统治埃及的穆巴拉克,迅速地——近乎不流血的——被迫出局。
Thispuppettheaterislessthemorningofdemocracythanapropagandatoolinthevillagesandamethodtorenewthecadresat thetopor to get ridofyourpoliticalenemies,bloodlessly.
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