4. Characterization – to- Silicon DFM Design Flow ……….38 5. The Physiology of the Grid An Open Grid Services Architecture for Di...AIS SIGSEMIS NEWS Editorial BoardAIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin EditorLet the search begin…Fishery by-catches of marine mammals in Galician waters: results from on-board observations and an interview survey of fishermenFishery by-catches of marine mammals in Galician waters: results from on-board observations and an interview survey of fishermenResidency selection: should interviewers be given applicants' board scores?How to drive a quality dashboard. Interview by Laurie Larson.Seabird bycatch in Portuguese mainland coastal fisheries: An assessment through on-board observations and fishermen interviewsThe Evolving Role of Course Management System Providers in the Transformation of Education: An Interview with Blackboard's Matthew P...