- They will test their skills in seven winter sports, biathlon, bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey, luge, skating and skiing.
BOBSLEIGHBobsleighBOBSLEIGH - Dictionnaire Littré.Le bobsleigh jamaïquain fait appel au crowdfunding pour aller à SotchiMulti-body model of a bobsleigh: comparison with experimental dataImproving the Performance of a Bobsleigh by Aerodynamic Optimization (P212)Experimental analysis of ice friction in the sport of bobsleighInfluence of the postion of crew members on aerodynamics performance of two-man bobsleigh.Influence of the position of crew members on aerodynamics performance of two-man bobsleigh. J BiomechIsokinetic Characteristics of Knee Flexors and Extensors in Male Dancers, Olympic Oarsmen, Olympic Bobsleighers, and Non-Athletes