- The American soldier went to the front again and was put in the bag and sent to some Boche prison.
Majorization and matrix-monotone functions in wireless communications
Effectiveness and safety of catheter related postoperative pain management ‐ a survey of 18925 consecutive patients between 1998 an...
The Structure of General Interference Functions and Applications.
Solution of the multiuser downlink beamforming problem with individual SINR constraints
Long-term effects of Abeta42 immunisation in Alzheimer's disease: follow-up of a randomised, placebo-controlled phase I trial.
Synaptic changes characterize early behavioural signs in the ME7 model of murine prion disease
Broadcast Capacity Region of Two-Phase Bidirectional Relaying
The Structure of Lithium Compounds of Sulfones, Sulfoximides, Sulfoxides, Thioethers and 1,3‐Dithianes, Nitriles, Nitro Compounds a...
Review: activation patterns of microglia and their identification in the human brain.
Consequence of Aβ immunization on the vasculature of human Alzheimer's disease brain