bone marrow骨髓
to the bone adv. 到极点;彻骨地
bone fracture骨折
bone loss骨质疏松;骨质流失
bone formation骨形成;骨生成
bone graft n. 移植骨;骨移植物
bone china骨灰瓷
long bone[医]长骨
cancellous bone松质骨
bare bones梗概
bone cement骨水泥;骨接合剂
broken bone骨折;断骨
bone of contention争论的焦点;争端的原因
nasal bone鼻骨
bone meal骨粉(可用作动物饲料或肥料)
bone matrix骨基质
oracle bone甲骨(中国商朝用来刻写占卜文字的龟甲兽骨)
jaw bone颌骨
cortical bone[医]骨密质
no bones about it毫无疑问,实话实说
- I've got a fish bone stuck in my throat.
有根鱼骨头卡在我的喉咙里。 - He dangled the bone in front of the puppy.
他晃动着骨头逗小狗。 - He broke a bone in his leg.
他摔断了一根腿骨。 - There's not much meat on that bone.
Transfected F3/F11 neuronal cell surface protein mediates intercellular adhesion and promotes neurite outgrowth
Dynamic molecular confinement in the plasma membrane by microdomains and the cytoskeleton meshwork
Histone and DNA methylation defects at Hox genes in mice expressing a SET domain-truncated form of Mll
Differential exon usage involving an unusual splicing mechanism generates at least eight types of NCAM cDNA in mouse brain
Percolative conduction in microemulsion type systems
Balance of MafB and PU.1 specifies alternative macrophage or dendritic cell fate
Differential exon usage involving an unusual splicing mechanism generates at least 8 types of N-CAM cDNA in mouse brain
Densimeter calibration method versus temperature and pressure
Isolations of African horse sickness virus from vector insects made during the 1988 epizootic in Spain.
Histone and DNA methylation defects at Hox genes in mice expressing a SET domain-truncated form of MII