bored with对…厌倦
bored pile螺旋钻孔桩;填充桩;螺旋桩
get bored感到厌烦;感到无聊
- Some people use their teisure for such activities because they are lonely or bored.
有些人因为寂寞或无聊,才利用闲暇时间从事这些活动。 - He is a bored student.
他是一位感到厌烦的学生。 - I'm rather bored by the rumor.
Better to be frustrated than bored: The incidence, persistence, and impact of learners’ cognitive–affective states during interact...
Stresses in linings of bored tunnels
Bored tunnelling in the urban environment
Theme lecture : bored tunnels in the urban environment
Bored tunnelling in the urban environment (State-of-the-art report and theme lecture)
Role of Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain Complexes in Capsaicin Mediated Oxidative Stress Leading to Apoptosis in Pancreatic C...
Helical Nanoholes Bored in Silicon by Wet Chemical Etching Using Platinum Nanoparticles as Catalyst
Application of Floating Platform Assembled by Small Floating Boxes in Construction of Large Diameter Bored Piles in Deep Water Bare ...
A Study on the Engineering Behaviour of Prebored and Precast Steel Pipe Piles from Full-Scale Field Tests and Finite Element Analysis
Foundation slab transform strut construction technique of the composite envelope system with even wall and bored pile