- She had a reputation of being a frivolous coquette.
大家都说她是一个轻佻的荡妇。 - Some of Mr Obama's friends spook business.Whereas Mr McCain supports curbs on frivolous lawsuits, trial lawyers back Mr Obama with open wallets.
奥巴马的朋友们在起诉公司,而麦凯恩却支持限制琐碎的诉讼,而诉讼律师们敞开了口袋支持奥巴马。 - Don't waste your time on frivolous matters.
Modeling Frivolous Suits
Framing Frivolous Litigation: A Psychological Theory
Sanctioning Frivolous Suits: An Economic Analysis
The archeology of the frivolous : reading Condillac
The effect of frivolous lawsuits on the settlement of litigation ☆
Lawsuit Abandonment Options in Possibly Frivolous Litigation Games
Method and apparatus for deterring frivolous professional liability claims
Serious pilgrimages and frivolous tourists. The chimera of tourism in the pilgrimages of Sri Lanka.
Experimental social psychology: Some sober questions about some frivolous values
An Analysis of Fee Shifting Based on the Margin of Victory: On Frivolous Suits, Meritorious Suits, and the Role of Rule 11