- In each city we can expect a big increase in financial regulation, not to mention ad hoc government interventions, adding to the cost and unpredictability of doing business.
Ad Libitum
Ad Libitum
Ad Libitum
Effects of ad libitum milk intake on dairy calves.
Long-term effects of ad libitum low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets on body weight and serum lipids in overweight subjects with metabol...
Dietary strategy to manipulate ad libitum macronutrient intake, and glycaemic index, across eight European countries in the Diogenes...
The role of low-fat diets in body weight control: a meta-analysis of ad libitum dietary intervention studies.
A meta-analysis of the effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 (7-36) amide on ad libitum energy intake in humans.
Body weight and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol changes after consumption of a low-fat ad libitum diet.
A high-protein diet induces sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake, and body weight despite compensatory change...
The role of dietary fat in body fatness: evidence from a preliminary meta-analysis of ad libitum low-fat dietary intervention studies.
Covert manipulation of dietary fat and energy density: effect on substrate flux and food intake in men eating ad libitum
The ratio of macronutrients, not caloric intake, dictates cardiometabolic health, aging, and longevity in ad libitum-fed mice.