- For battle they wore a breastplate, helmet, and greaves.
战场上,他们身着重装胸甲,头盔和护胫甲。 - Mighty Spanish cavalry were armed with a musket and a steel breastplate.
Breast PlateBreastplateBreastplateCPR Breastplate compression aidBreastplate assembly with elastic tiedown''The Breastplate of Righteousness'':Gin roll and breastplate structureCombined child's cape and breastplateRubicite Breastplate Priced to Move, Cheap: How Virtual Economies Become Real SimulationsCalendrical interpretation of a golden breastplate from PeruThe significance of an inscribed breastplate captured at Falerii in 241 B.C.Fastening on Aaron's Breastplate: Formation, Grace and the Ministry in Post-Reformation England"The breastplate of righteousness": twenty-five years after Laud Humphreys' Tearoom Trade: impersonal sex in public places.