- He was leading a horse by the bridle.
他牵着马的缰绳。 - It is the bridle and spur that makes a good horse.
要把马练好,缰绳靴刺少不了。 - Her common sense is a bridle to her quick temper.
- Jane bridled her favourite horse yesterday.
昨天简给她心爱的马装上了马鞍。 - You must learn to bridle your temper.
你必须学会制怒。 - He bridled at her offensive remarks.
Bridled Power: New Zealand's Constitution and GovernmentBridled Ambition: Why Countries Constrain their Nuclear Capabilities. by Mitchell ReissThermoregulatory Responses of Bridled and Juniper Titmice to High TemperatureDistribution of the bridled form of the Common guillemot Uria aalge in the North AtlanticDemography of bridled nailtail wallabies translocated to the edge of their former range from captive and wild stockMaternal care and infant behaviour of the bridled nailtail wallaby (Onychogalea fraenata)SUBANNUAL BREEDING AND MOULT CYCLES IN THE BRIDLED TERN STERNA ANAETHETUS IN THE SEYCHELLESExtreme Between-Year Variation in Productivity of a Bridled Titmouse (Baeolophus wollweberi) PopulationEffects of body size and home range on access to mates and paternity in male bridled nailtail wallabiesThe importance of mating system in translocation programs: reproductive success of released male bridled nailtail wallabies