- Brimstone is a component part of explosive.
硫磺是炸药的一种组成成分。 - These two were cast alive into the lake of fire, which burns with brimstone.
Fire and Brimstone, Lager and Pot: Religious Involvement and Substance Use
Hiding Fire and Brimstone in Lacy Groves: The Twinned Trees of Beloved
Evaluating pesticide leaching models: the Brimstone Farm dataset.
Mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of Brimstone butterflies (genus Gonepteryx) from the Canary Islands and Madeira
Assessment of tillage strategies to decrease nitrate leaching in the Brimstone Farm Experiment, Oxfordshire, UK
Strategies to decrease nitrate leaching in the Brimstone Farm Experiment, Oxfordshire, UK, 1988–93: the effect of straw inc...
Strategies to decrease nitrate leaching in the Brimstone Farm Experiment, Oxfordshire, UK, 1988-1993: the effects of winter cover cr...
Comparison of the performance of pesticide-leaching models on a cracking clay soil: results using the Brimstone Farm dataset
Strategies to reduce nitrate leaching by crop rotation, minimal cultivation and straw incorporation in the Brimstone Farm Experiment...
Sugar Monoculture, Bovid Skeletal Part Frequencies, and Stable Carbon Isotopes: Interpreting Enslaved African Diet at Brimstone Hill...