- He jumped his pony across the brook.
他使小马驹跳过了小河。 - Before we drink much at a brook,it is well to know its source.
溪畔畅饮前,最好知其源。 - By the brook, the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies.
- He will not brook any interference.
他不会容忍他人的任何干涉。 - Top students brook no intrusions on study time.
尖子学生不能容忍学习时间受到侵占。 - His pride would not brook such insults.
Brook for GPUs:stream computing on graphics hardware
Brook for GPUs: stream computing on graphics hardware
The Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study: Forest Biomass and Production
The Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study: Forest Nutrient Cycling and Element Behavior
Energy Flow in Bear Brook, New Hampshire: An Integrative Approach to Stream Ecosystem Metabolism
Origin, Composition, and Flux of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Hubbard Brook Valley
Landscape structure and hierarchical genetic diversity in the brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis.
Effect of Climatic Warming on the Southern Margins of the Native Range of Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis
Effects of Forest Cutting and Herbicide Treatment on Nutrient Budgets in the Hubbard Brook Watershed‐Ecosystem
Bioavailability of metals in stream food webs and hazards to brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in the upper Animas River watershed...