Least Adder’s-Tongue (Ophioglossum Lusitanicum L.) in Croatia - Distribution, Ecology and ConservationOn the Development of the Bulb of the Adder's-Tonguesoutheastern adder's-tongue, Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pycnostichum, found for the first time in MichiganAdder's-tongue: A 13 year translocation storyA NEW ADDER'S-TONGUE (OPHIOGLOSSUM: OPHIOGLOSSACEAE) FOR NORTH AMERICAAdder's Tongue Fern: Occurrence of Ophioglossum reticulatum in Lankapalli Forest Reserve, Telangana with a note its variation in IndiaNowe stanowiska nasięźrzału pospolitego Ophioglossum vulgatum na Płaskowyżu Kolbuszowskim New locali