- He had the look of a dull and brutish man.
他看起来是个迟钝粗野的人。 - The idea of men beating each other senseless for pay seemed brutish to her.
Nasty, brutish, and long: America's war on terrorism
Nasty, brutish, and short : the lives of gang members in Canada
Nasty, Brutish, and Short: Embeddedness Failure in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Is Life Nasty, Brutish, and Short? Philosophies of Life and Well-Being
Unions Threaten to Go on Strike over 'Brutish, Frightening' Cuts [Edition 2]
Nasty, Brutish, and Large: Cultural Difference and Otherness in the Figuration of the Trollwomen of the "Fornaldar sögur"
Can Leviathan Make the Life of Man Less Solitary, Poor, Nasty, Brutish and Short?
Hobbies in Cyberspace: Life in an Online Game World Proves Nasty, Brutish, and Short
Nasty, Brutish, but Not Necessarily Short: A Reconsideration of the Statistical Methods Used to Calculate Age at Death from Adult Hu...
The universal and the particular in Latin American penal state formation - Markus-Michael Miller neoliberal, brutish and short? Citi...