
  • n.

    称呼( address的名词复数 );(在信封、包裹等上)书写(收件人姓名、地址);(收件人的)姓名和地址;(书面或口头的)发言

  • 双语释义

    1. [C]演说,演讲 speech made to an audience
    2. [U]谈吐或行为的风度 manner of speaking or behaving
    3. [C]住址,地址 details of place where a person lives, works or can be found, and where letter, etc. may be delivered
    1. vt. 向…讲话,向…发表演说,写给 … say sth to sb in speech or writing, make a speech to; direct one's speech or writing to a person or group
    2. vt. 称呼 speak or write to using a particular title of rank
    3. vt. 在(信封或包裹等)上写上收信人的姓名,地址 write on an envelope, parcel, etc. particulars of the person, town, street, number of the house, etc., to which it is to be delivered



    • n.
      • (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored

        同义词:computer address

      • the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with
      • the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience

        "he listened to an address on minor Roman poets"


      • the manner of speaking to another individual

        "he failed in his manner of address to the captain"

      • a sign in front of a house or business carrying the conventional form by which its location is described
      • written directions for finding some location; written on letters or packages that are to be delivered to that location

        同义词:destinationname and address

      • the stance assumed by a golfer in preparation for hitting a golf ball
      • social skill


    • v.
      • speak to

        "He addressed the crowd outside the window"

        同义词:turn to

      • give a speech to

        "The chairman addressed the board of trustees"


      • put an address on (an envelope)


      • direct a question at someone
      • address or apply oneself to something, direct one's efforts towards something, such as a question
      • greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name

        "He always addresses me with `Sir'"


      • access or locate by address
      • deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression


      • speak to someone

        同义词:accostcome up to

      • adjust and aim (a golf ball) at in preparation of hitting


    用作名词 (n.)
    • alter address改变讲话
    • broadcast sb's address广播某人的讲话
    • compose address起草一篇讲演稿
    • concoct address编造讲话
    • condense address压缩讲话
    • curtail address缩短讲话
    • deliver an address发表讲话
    • draft out an address起草演讲稿
    • expand address扩大讲话内容
    • give an address发表演说
    • make an address发表演说,致词
    • organize address使讲话有条理
    • pour forth address滔滔不绝地演讲
    • propagate an address转播讲话
    • read an address致词
    • reel off address滔滔不绝地讲
    • thunder address大声地讲话
    • work on one's address准备发言稿
    • pay one's address献殷勤
    • show great address表现出很大本领
    • change one's address改变地址
    • have sb's address有(某人)的地址
    • leave one's address留下地址
    • memorize an address记住地址
    • obtain sb's address得到某人的地址
    • want sb's address需要某人的地址
    • affectionate address充满深情的讲话
    • careful address小心谨慎的讲话
    • closing address闭幕词
    • commemorative address纪念性讲话
    • complimentary address祝词,颂词
    • congratulatory address贺词
    • direct address呼语
    • eloquent address雄辩的演说
    • emphatic address加强语气的讲话
    • extempore address即席讲话
    • fervid address热情的讲话
    • flattering address奉承话
    • funeral address吊唁词
    • graphic address生动的讲话
    • grave address严肃的讲话
    • halting address吞吞吐吐的讲话
    • illuminating address启发性的讲话
    • impending address紧急讲话
    • important address重要讲话
    • impressive address动人的讲演
    • impromptu address即席讲话
    • inaugural address就职演说,开幕词
    • incoherent address不连贯的讲话
    • informing address能增进知识的讲话
    • insinuating address低声下气的说话
    • inspiring address鼓舞人心的讲话
    • interesting address有趣的讲话
    • intuitive address直观的演说
    • laudatory address赞美的话
    • lengthy address冗长的演说
    • lucid address清楚明白的讲话
    • masterly address巧妙的讲话
    • moving address激动人心的讲话
    • naive address质朴自然的讲话
    • opening address开幕词
    • parting address告别演说
    • passionate address多情的讲话
    • pithy address简洁的讲话
    • preliminary address前言,开场白
    • private address私下谈话
    • public address公开演说
    • radical address重要讲话
    • rousing address惊人的讲话
    • sensational address耸人听闻的讲话
    • soldier-like address勇敢的演说
    • stirring address激动人心的讲话
    • stumbling address结结巴巴的讲话
    • temperate address有节制的讲话
    • charming address媚人的求爱,献殷勤
    • above address上面的地址
    • correct address正确的地址
    • false address假地址
    • fixed address固定地址
    • following address下述地址
    • forwarding address(邮件的)转送地址
    • inside address信纸左上角的收信人姓名、地址
    • insufficient address不完整的地址
    • mailing address通讯地址
    • new address新地址
    • old address老地址
    • out-of-date address过时的地址
    • permanent address长住地址
    • present address现在的地址
    • private address秘密地址
    • return address回信地址
    • temporary address临时住址
    • commencement address毕业典礼上的演说
    • farewell address告别演说
    • graduation address毕业演说
    • keynote address在政党代表大会上发表的施政方针的演说
    • presentation address在授予仪式上发表的讲话
    • radio address广播讲话
    • television address电视讲话
    • business address办公地址
    • cable address电报挂号
    • home address家庭地址
    • office address办公室地址
    • vacation address度假地址
    • address blank空地址
    • address book通讯录
    • address constant基数地址
    • address modification地址变化
    • at an address在…地址
    • at the above address在上述地址
    • address about sth关于…的讲话
    • address of congratulation祝贺词
    • address of thanks答谢词
    • address of welcome欢迎词
    • address on foreign policy有关对外政策的公开讲话
    • address over the radio发表广播演说
    • address to Parliament对国会的请愿
    • address to the army对部队的讲话
    • address to the audience向听众发表演说
    • address to the soul of the dead祭文,招魂篇
    • address to the Throne上奏
    • address in dealing with sb对付某人的手段
    用作动词 (v.)
    • address a gathering在集会上讲话
    • address a meeting向大会发表演说,向大会致词
    • address a party在聚会上讲话
    • address a passer-by向过路人讲话
    • address an answer致答辞
    • address an audience向听众发表讲话
    • address one's friends向朋友们谈看法
    • address the banquet在宴会上讲话
    • address the crowd向群众讲话
    • address the demonstrators对示威群众讲话
    • address the dinner在宴会上讲话
    • address the masses向群众讲话
    • address the rally在群众大会上讲话
    • address the United Nations在联合国发表演说
    • address one's mail in care of sb把邮件寄给(某人)转交
    • address the letter在信封上写收信人的姓名地址
    • address ardently热情地发表演说,强烈地提出抗议
    • address eloquently雄辩地论述
    • address exclusively独家论述
    • address indiscriminately一味地发表讲话,不分青红皂白地讲话
    • address informally非正式地讲话
    • address insinuatingly讨好地献殷勤
    • address inspiringly振奋人心地讲话
    • address intelligently明智地讲话
    • address intimately个人谈话,经过认真调查研究后发表讲话
    • address lucidly头脑清楚地讲话
    • address mournfully悲痛地发表演说
    • address passionately动情地讲话
    • address pointedly直截了当地提出
    • address pretentiously盛气凌人的讲话
    • address pugnaciously好斗地争执
    • address stirringly激动人心地讲话
    • address temperately适中地讲话
    • address affectionately在家信结尾处写上“你的亲爱的”
    • address cordially在信尾处写上“你的诚挚的”
    • address to向…讲话


    email address电子邮箱信箱

    ip address网络地址,IP地址

    address book通讯簿;住址名册

    home address家庭住址;标识地址;内部地址

    mailing address邮寄地址

    network address网络地址

    address space地址空间

    address as称呼

    e-mail address电子邮件地址

    public address公用地址;扩音装置

    address system地址系统;称谓系统

    inaugural address就职演说

    address translation地址转换;位址翻译

    public address system扩声系统;有线广播系统;公用地址系统

    correspondence address通讯地址;通信地址

    specific address专用地址

    full address全地址

    physical address物理地址;实际地址

    permanent address永久地址;永久住址;原籍

    mail address邮件地址;信件地址



    1. Please write your home address on the registration form.
    2. I'll log in to the internet to know about you. I know your address.
    3. Can you tell me your E-mail address?
    4. What form of address should one use when writing to a bishop?
    5. Mr. Youshida will give an address during today's morning assembly. May I start my work on the telefax machine after that?
    6. The mayor gave a television address yesterday evening.
    7. The president gave an address over the radio.
    8. Luke's homely, unpretending style, and his pleasing address catch the ear of the people.
    1. Most people call me Bob. How do I address you?
    2. He is going to address the meeting.
    3. He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech.
    4. Please address all enquiries to this office.
    5. Could you help me address these envelopes?
    6. There is a letter addressed to you.
    7. The next meeting will address the problem of truancy.


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