The effects of soil compaction, soil moisture and soil type on growth and nodulation of soybean and common bean. Can J Plant Sci
Volatile constituents of pineapple
Melting muscles: novel H1N1 influenza A associated rhabdomyolysis.
Immunological detection of nitric oxide synthase(s) in human tissues using heterologous antibodies suggesting different isoforms.
Gene-expression profiling of human osteoblasts following treatment with the ionic products of Bioglass 45S5 dissolution.
Differentiation of osteoblasts and in vitro bone formation from murine embryonic stem cells.
Chapter 3: MHD stability, operational limits and disruptions
Ionic Products of Bioactive Glass Dissolution Increase Proliferation of Human Osteoblasts and Induce Insulin-like Growth Factor II m...
Bioglass ®45S5 Stimulates Osteoblast Turnover and Enhances Bone Formation In Vitro: Implications and Applications for Bone Tissue ...
Inducible nitric oxide synthase is present within human atherosclerotic lesions and promotes the formation and activity of peroxynit...