Failure of children to receive penicillin by mouthThe composition of gas given by mouth-to-mouth ventilation during CPRThe composition of gas given by mouth-to-mouth ventilation during CPR : Chest 1994; 106/6: 1806–1810Acceleration of wound healing in man with zinc sulphate given by mouth.Randomised controlled trial of sucrose by mouth for the relief of infant crying after immunisationFilial cannibalism by mouthbrooding males of the cardinal fish, Apogon doederleini , in relation to their physical conditionIncreased Acetaldehyde Production by Mouthwashings from Patients with Oral Cavity, Laryngeal, or Pharyngeal CancerEarly enteral feeding versus "nil by mouth"after gastrointestinal surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials.Maintenance of remission in ulcerative colitis with 5-amino salicylic acid in high doses by mouth.Early enteral feeding versus “nil by mouth” after gastrointestinal surgery:systematic review and meta-analysis of co...