Postglacial crustal movements in southwestern British Columbia and adj...
The influence of ethnic discrimination and ethnic identification on African American adolescents' school and socioemotional adjustment
Proactive and reactive aggression in childhood and adolescence: A meta-analysis of differential relations with psychosocial adjustme...
Subfragments of the Large Terminal Repeat Cause Glucocorticoid-Responsive Expression of Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus and of an Adjacent...
Observations on the Distribution and Natural History of the Evening Bat (Nycticeius humeralis) in Northwestern Missouri and Adjacent...
A pilot study of a supervised group exercise programme as a rehabilitation treatment for women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant...
Antibiotic resistance gene abundances associated with antibiotics and heavy metals in animal manures and agricultural soils adjacent...
Prevalence of adrenal androgen excess in patients with the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) using age-specific DHEAS levels adjusted...
A pilot study of a supervised group exercise programme as a rehabilitation treatment for women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant...
Heymann, W., Hackel, D. B., Harwood, S., Wilson, S. G. & Hunter, J. L. Production of nephrotic syndrome in rats by Freund's adjuvant...