- The calculi with suture material were removed by transurethral cystolithotripsy with crushing forceps.
我们进行经尿道碎石术,藉由碎石钳将医源性膀胱结石与缝线一起取出除掉。 - The surgeon had several faceted calculi of the infectious type taken out from the patient's gall bladder.
The calculi of emergenceLamabda Calculi with TypesThe Calculi of Lambda Conversion. (AM-6):Book Review: The calculi of lambda-conversion.The calculi of emergence: Computation, dynamics, and induction. Phys DThe Calculi of Lambda Conversion. (AM-6) (Annals of Mathematics Studies)AUA Guidelines on the Management of Staghorn CalculiCHAPTER 1: AUA GUIDELINE ON MANAGEMENT OF STAGHORN CALCULI: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONSTreatment of upper urinary calculi on minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy (Experience of 858 cases for 1 015 mPCNL)Comparing the Expressive Power of the Synchronous and the Asynchronous pi-calculi