- There is no other player even remotely approaching her caliber.
就才干而言,其他选手远远赶不上她。 - I consider him a genius of the same caliber as Kurosawa or Fellini.
我认为他的才干是等同于黑泽明和费里尼的天才之流。 - The caliber of the vein and the artery to which it was anastomosed was similar.
用同等口径的动静脉吻合。 - The moderate caliber enables the blood fluidity change to express precisely.
Control of axonal caliber by neurofilament transport
Control of axonal caliber by neurofilament transport.
Retinal vascular caliber: systemic, environmental, and genetic associations.
Axon caliber related to neurofilaments and microtubules in sciatic nerve fibers of rats and mice.
The small-caliber esophagus: An unappreciated cause of dysphagia for solids in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis
Neurofilament gene expression: a major determinant of axonal caliber.
Retinal vascular caliber, cardiovascular risk factors, and inflammation: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA).
Myelin-associated glycoprotein is a myelin signal that modulates the caliber of myelinated axons.
Local modulation of neurofilament phosphorylation, axonal caliber, and slow axonal transport by myelinating Schwann cells
Successful En-Bloc Resection of Large Superficial Tumors in the Stomach and Colon Using Sodium Hyaluronate and Small-Caliber-Tip Tra...