Caliciviridae.Caliciviridae.CaliciviridaeHuman enteric Caliciviridae: the complete genome sequence and expression of virus-like particles from a genetic group II small round...Characterization of a Rhesus Monkey Calicivirus Representing a New Genus of CaliciviridaeHuman enteric Caliciviridae: a new prevalent small round-structured virus group defined by RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and capsid d...Caliciviridae: The norovirusesReclassification of the Caliciviridae into distinct genera and exclusion of hepatitis E virus from the family on the basis of compar...Members of the family caliciviridae (Norwalk virus and Sapporo virus) are the most prevalent cause of gastroenteritis outbreaks amon...Reverse Genetics System for Porcine Enteric Calicivirus, a Prototype Sapovirus in the CaliciviridaeNucleoside derivatives for treatment of Caliciviridae infections, including Norovirus infectionsGenomic characterization of swine caliciviruses representing a new genus of CaliciviridaeA conserved sequence motif at the 5′ terminus of the Southampton virus genome is characteristic of the Caliciviridae