Establishment of a clonal osteogenic cell line from new born mouse calvariaMineralized bone nodules formed in vitro from enzymatically released rat calvaria cell populationsDetermination of numbers of osteoprogenitors present in isolated fetal rat calvaria cells in vitroEffect of insulinlike growth factor I on DNA and protein synthesis in cultured rat calvariaTargeted disruption of cadherin-11 leads to a reduction in bone density in calvaria and long bone metaphysesConditional inactivation of Tgfbr2 in cranial neural crest causes cleft palate and calvaria defects.Factors that promote progressive development of the osteoblast phenotype in cultured fetal rat calvaria cellsIn vitro Differentiation and Calcification in a New Clonal Osteogenic Cell Line Derived from Newborn Mouse CalvariaThe serum protein alpha2-HS glycoprotein/fetuin inhibits apatite formation in vitro and in mineralizing calvaria cells. A possible r...Regulation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-2, -3, -9, and -13) by interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 in mouse calvaria: association o...