用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- contract〔develop, set〕 cancer患癌症
- cure〔treat〕 cancer治疗癌症
- fight against cancer与癌症对抗
形容词+~- inoperable cancer不宜动手术的癌症
- progressive cancer恶性肿瘤
- terminal cancer晚期癌症
名词+~- breast〔skin〕 cancer乳〔皮肤〕癌
- liver〔lung, stomach〕 cancer肝〔肺,胃〕癌
~+名词介词+~- the spread of the cancer癌细胞的扩散
~+介词- cancer in throat喉癌
- cancer of breast乳癌
breast cancer乳腺癌
lung cancer肺癌
liver cancer肝癌
gastric cancer胃癌
prostate cancer前列腺癌
colorectal cancer[医]结肠直肠癌
cancer cell癌细胞
skin cancer皮肤癌
colon cancer结肠癌;大肠癌;直肠癌
cervical cancer宫颈癌
pancreatic cancer胰腺癌;胰脏癌
cancer research癌症研究;肿瘤研究
esophageal cancer食管癌;食道癌
bladder cancer膀胱癌
rectal cancer直肠癌
esophagus cancer食道癌
stomach cancer胃癌
rectum cancer直肠癌
advanced cancer晚期癌症
terminal cancer癌症晚期
- He was afflicted with cancer.
他患了癌症。 - The patient finally died from cancer.
那位病人最终死于癌症。 - He's got a cancer in his liver.
他得了肝癌。 - The oncologist invented a new kind of interferon to prevent cancer.
那位肿瘤学家发明了一种可以预防癌症的干扰素。 - It was a cancer for permanency and pain.
那简直是一颗永远折磨人的毒瘤。 - The doping is a cancer of the pure Olympic Games.
- I'm a Cancer and my brother is a Leo.
我是巨蟹座,弟弟是狮子座。 - Cancer knits sweaters and makes fudge for the neighborhood.
Cancer statistics, 2010.
Cancer statistics, 2008.
Cancer statistics, 2004.
Cancer statistics, 2013.
Cancer statistics. Ca Cancer J Clin
The hallmark of cancer
The hallmarks of cancer
The hallmarks of cancer.
Hallmarks of cancer: the next generation.
Molecular Classification of Cancer: Class Discovery and Class Prediction by Gene Expression Monitoring