
英 ['ædʒʊtənts]
美 ['ædʒʊtənts]
  • n.

    助手( adjutant的名词复数 );助理;副官;辅助的东西

  • 英英释义

    adjutant[ 'ædʒutənt ]

    • n.
      • an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer


      • large Indian stork with a military gait

        同义词:adjutant birdadjutant storkLeptoptilus dubius



    Commanders and Adjutants Association
    Commanders and Adjutants Association
    Novel adjutants: A need for the future vaccines
    Screening Effective Adjutants for Huaguangmycin
    Applied Evaluation of Novel Adjutants in WG
    The Appointment of Parochial Adjutants and Assistants
    Adjutants, agents, intermediaries: The Native Administration in Dar es Salaam township, 1919–61
    Improvement of Th1/Th2 and Th1/Treg Imbalances by Adjutants CPG, MPLA and BCG in a Model of Acute Asthma Induced By Allergen Derp2 i...
    The Center for State Homeland Security: state emergency management and adjutants general team up to create homeland security lab. (h...
    1920 Senate Bill 0349. An Act To Provide Compensation For Clerical Services Rendered By Regimental Adjutants In The State Guard.