- All this admin work take a lot of my time.
所有这些行政管理工作占用了我许多时间。 - There is too much admin in this job.
Subcutaneous formalin-induced activity of dorsal horn neurones in the rat: differential response to an intrathecal opiate administer...
CpG DNA is a potent enhancer of systemic and mucosal immune responses against hepatitis B surface antigen with intranasal administra...
Karpuj, M.V. et al. Prolonged survival and decreased abnormal movements in transgenic model of Huntington's disease, with administra...
With the Outlook of Scientific Development as the Guiding Principle Promoting the Sound and Rapid Development of Judicial Administra...
Income inequality and population health.
Fundamentos de métodos de pesquisa em administração
Terrain Analysis: Principles and Applications
Training in flexible, intensive insulin management to enable dietary freedom in people with type 1 diabetes: dose adjustment for nor...
The new spirit of capitalism
Body image dissatisfaction: Gender differences in eating attitudes, self-esteem, and reasons for exercise.