A New Admiralty Navigation Manual: The Admiralty Manual of Navigation—Vol. II, 287, 175 diagrams, 20 plates, cloth, 6 × 9·5 in.,...
Hydrographic Surveying Admiralty Manual of Hydrographic Surveying, Vol. 1. xiv + 671 pages, numerous figures, cloth, published by t...
KevinCostello. The Court of Admiralty of Ireland, 1575–1893. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2011. Pp. 313. $74.50 (cloth).
C. I. Hamilton. The Making of the Modern Admiralty: British Naval Policy-Making, 1805–1927. Cambridge Military Histories. Cambridge...
The New Volume III of the Admiralty Navigation Manual - Admiralty Manual of Navigation Vol. III (B.R. 45, 3). (1955), 438, 280 figs...
Matthew S.Seligmann. The Royal Navy and the German Threat, 1901–1914: Admiralty Plans to Protect British Trade in a War Against Ger...
The Comoro Islands in Indian Ocean Trade before the 19th Century.
The Testing of Linen Fabrics from the Point of View of their Uses.
War and trade in the west Indies, 1789-1748
United Kingdom:White Ensign