- You have little greed for careerism and feel contented as long as you could enjoy walking on this plain road for a moment.
The new careerism: Origins, tenets, and consequences
Careerism, Committee Assignments, and the Electoral Connection
Careerism in the Military Services: A Moral Analysis of its Nature, Types, and Contributing Causes
Employee alienation: relationships with careerism and career satisfaction
Professionalization and Careerism in Canadian Provincial Assemblies: Comparison to U. S. State Legislatures
Community, Class and Careerism, Cheshire and Lancashire Society in the Age of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Michael J. Bennett
A Comparative Approach to Legislative Organization: Careerism and Seniority in the United States and Japan
How to Spot a Careerist Early On: Psychopathy and Exchange Ideology as Predictors of Careerism
Legislative Professionalism and Influence on State Agencies: The Effects of Resources and Careerism