- Nothing could sate the careerist's greed for power.
什么也满足不了这个野心家的权力欲。 - Ambition for personal gain egged the bourgeois careerist on.
how to... ASK FOR A PAY RISE
Befriend the Intern to Fire Up Your Career
How to: write a covering letter
Tip to conquer American poetry: ‘Your friends are really just contacts, and you have to think of them that way. If dropping their n...
Careerist Judges and the Appeals Process
Potential moderating influence of career growth opportunities on careerist orientation and work attitudes: evidence of the protean c...
From the invisible hand to the gladhand: Understanding a careerist orientation to work
The MBA as careerist: An analysis of early-career job change
Decision-Making Procedures for Committees of Careerist Experts