- He also ran errands for the ward and in his spare time made me a cigarette lighter out of an empty Austrian rifle cartridge.
Cartridge caseCartridge caseCartridge caseCARTRIDGE CASE AND DISC CARTRIDGECombustible cartridge case formulation and evaluationThree-dimensional surface reconstruction for cartridge cases using photometric stereoDevelopment of STR profiles from firearms and fired cartridge cases ☆ ☆☆Visualization of sebaceous fingerprints on fired cartridge cases: a laboratory studyComparison of cartridge case and airborne GSR—a study of the elemental composition and morphology by means of SEM‐EDXVisualisation by confocal microscopy of traces on bullets and cartridge cases.Image matching algorithms for breech face marks and firing pins in a database of spent cartridge cases of firearmsImage matching algorithms for breech face marks and firing pins in a database of spent cartridge cases of firearmsUse of Acidified Hydrogen Peroxide to Remove Excess Gun Blue from Gun Blue-Treated Cartridge Cases and to Develop Latent Prints on U...